

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

Watershed Beach Pass
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This summer, Ottawa Riverkeeper is proud to present your Watershed Beach Pass, your passport to outdoor summer entertainment.
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Water Safety

Summer is a wonderful time to explore the rivers and lakes in the Ottawa River watershed, but we must ensure that we are doing so safely. Accidents can happen, so preparing ourselves beforehand with the right water safety information is central to any day out on the water.
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Ottawa River Fish kill – One year later

On July 8th, 2024, Ottawa Riverkeeper heard of large numbers of dead fish downstream of the Lièvre River. One year later, we look back at this incident and worry that not much has changed.
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In the News Recreation Swim Guide


Are you wondering what the status of Ottawa beaches is this summer? We have assembled a few of the questions we have been seeing, along with some helpful answers to get you beach season ready!
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Youth Nature Journaling

GOGO加速器-海外华人稳定加速器 Classements d'appli et ...:Consulter l'historique des classements de téléchargement pour GOGO加速器-海外华人稳定加速器 en France. L'Historique des classements indique la popularité de GOGO加速器-海外华人稳定加速器 sur iOS app store et son évolution au fil du temps.
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Ottawa Riverkeeper submits written comments to the CNSC concerning the 2024 Regulatory Oversight Report for Canadian Nuclear Laboratories

In 2024, Ottawa Riverkeeper was provided with participant funding to submit a written intervention concerning the impacts of the Chalk River Laboratories to the Ottawa River. This is a summary of our submission.

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